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Disney Announces New $1.5 Million Donation to Causes Making a Difference in Florida

October 3, 2023

At Walt Disney World, making magic and helping others is what we’re all about which is why we’re giving new donations totaling $1.5 million to 19 nonprofit organizations creating positive change in the state of Florida – our home for more than half a century! All of the Disney Grant recipients are doing amazing work for […]

Read More Talks With… Children’s Home Society of Florida

September 15, 2023

Click to Listen to Episode #560 featuring Heather Morgan As many as 19,000 children are in foster care in the state of Florida. These children face unprecedented difficulties, which often result in permanent trauma. Furthermore, children who experience such adversities are at a higher risk of facing negative outcomes, both in childhood and throughout their […]

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Eccleston Elementary, A Community Partnership School Helps Family Navigate Crisis

September 13, 2023

Nearly 3 years after COVID-19 first sent families into crisis, Natasha, a fourth grader at Eccleston Elementary, A Community Partnership School and her family were still navigating the impact left behind by the pandemic. The family developed a close relationship with the Community Partnership School team throughout the years and frequently received supplemental nutritional and […]

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Community Partnership School Supports Family in the Wake of Tragedy

September 12, 2023

A brother and his sister were living with their mother, who was in a horrendous domestic violence situation, that eventually led to her murder. These children were living in a very unsafe home environment and because of their living situation, their basic needs were being neglected. They  did not have adequate access to food, clothing […]

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Hoop Dreams: OCPS ACE, A Community Partnership School is a slam dunk for students’ success

September 4, 2023

“SWISH”  The sound of a basketball gliding through the net with ease and bouncing on the gymnasium floor quickly followed by the rush of footsteps and cheers echoed through the air. Proud parents, family members and teachers filled the stands, cheering on the 13 young men who make up the boys basketball team at OCPS […]

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The Angel navigates students through challenges of life

August 30, 2023

PENSACOLA, Fla. — Life isn’t always easy being an adolescent and young teen. Luckily, for some, Jean Gracia is there to help lighten the load and set them on a path for success where they can actually enjoy just being a middle school student. Sue Straughn tells us, he’s one of the Angels In Our […]

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Building Bridges of Support: Lauren’s Impact as a Navigator

August 24, 2023

Lauren, a compassionate navigator working for CHS, is a shining example of someone who has dedicated her life to ensuring that no child or family falls through the cracks. At the Global Learning Academy in Pensacola, Lauren serves as a navigator. Within the Social Services Navigator program, she offers resources to students, families, and educators […]

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Empowering Futures, One Summer at a Time

August 17, 2023

Summer can offer a welcome break for kids after a long school year, but it can also be hard for families. Less access to books and learning resources, healthy foods, social activities and support can lead to learning losses, food insecurity and social isolation. Throughout the summer, CHS remains dedicated to bridging this resource gap […]

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A Legacy of Generosity: Carolyn Dixon’s Journey with CHS

August 16, 2023

Carolyn Dixon remembers the rarity of having a picture frame growing up … they were a tad expensive and not really necessary, so any photo lucky enough to be wrapped by a one held special significance. For Ms. Carolyn, one of the few oval frames in her childhood home held the photo of Marcus “Daddy” […]

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‘Most of all, they are loved’: Sabal Palm students feel community embrace as school starts

August 10, 2023

It truly takes a village and at Sabal Palm Elementary School, the village is in the multitude of community partners helping to break down barriers blocking kids’ education. Thursday, Blisha Hogue remembered her own time at Sabal Palm as she walked her second-grade daughter Aubree Hogue in for her first day of school. “We’re excited,” […]

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