A brother and his sister were living with their mother, who was in a horrendous domestic violence situation, that eventually led to her murder.
These children were living in a very unsafe home environment and because of their living situation, their basic needs were being neglected. They did not have adequate access to food, clothing or basic hygiene supplies, medical or dental care at home and the Community Partnership School became a safe and supportive environment for the whole family.
As the children were trying to process the grief of the horrific death of their mother, they were forced to move in with another family member who was struggling with her own mental health challenges. Because of her mental health challenges, her home was not a suitable living environment for children. And because these children had already gone through so much trauma and they were clinging to the only family they had left, our team — and the local community — came together to wrap the entire family in love and support.
The children were initially chronically absent from school, faced disciplinary actions and their mental and physical well-being was at risk. The Community Partnership School team worked closely with the family to develop a trusting relationship as they provided counseling services, food, clothing, hygiene products and more to help them navigate this crisis. Core and community partners contributed to these efforts by completing much-needed repairs on their new home and provided new furniture, bedding and financial support.
The children are now more engaged in the classroom, they are learning new coping skills and the entire family is working together with our team to process their grief and begin a new life in their newly safe, healthy and nurturing home.
Click here to learn more about CHS Community Partnership Schools and how you can join us in building bridges to success for students, families and entire communities.