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Community partners make possible a state-of-the-art media center for Tallahassee’s Sabal Palm Elementary School

September 15, 2022

As a result of its status as the district’s first Community Parnership School, Tallahassee’s Sabal Palm Elementary now has a sparkling new media center. During the official ribbon cutting on Thursday, Sept. 15, Sabal Palm student and reading club member Nha’Zjohn Barnes said a visit to his school’s library used to be a pretty uninspiring […]

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Community Partnership School Supports Family in Crisis

September 8, 2022

In a matter of minutes, Maria and her 7 children were catapulted into crises. A devastating fire destroyed their home and nearly everything they owned. “We were left with nothing – we lost our home, we had nowhere to live.” The family of 8 was now facing homelessness and Maria – a single mom who […]

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From Surviving to Thriving: Removing Barriers to Learning through Healthcare

September 8, 2022

Maddie had no idea that she was fighting a potentially life-threatening ear infection when she was holding a water bottle against her ear during a test to soothe the pain.  But it caught her high school teacher’s attention enough to contact the community partnership school team. Within minutes, the Nurse Practitioner saw something was severely […]

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Changing Lives One Smile at a Time

September 8, 2022

After several years without health insurance, Brianna developed major dental issues, including severe tooth decay on 7 permanent teeth. Brianna lived with her grandmother and had very little resources to cover additional expenses or pay for healthcare. The pain and embarrassment Brianna was experiencing became so significant, she refused to speak at school. It impacted […]

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Three Cheers for the Volusia Family Resource Center

August 22, 2022

The Florida Department of Health reports 400,000 children suffer from emotional, behavioral and developmental challenges, but only about half are able to access the treatment they need. As we’ve seen too often, this can lead to tragic circumstances … situations that may have been avoidable had youth received the intervention they so desperately needed. While […]

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August 19, 2022

Now Streaming from the Florida Institute of Child Welfare Children’s Home Society of Florida’s (CHS) Morgan Ryan and Brianna Kobayashi talk with Dr. Jessica Pryce about CaseAIM, CHS’ revolutionary technology changing the way child welfare works. Together, with our technology partner Stabilify, we are leading the way in case management innovation.  

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Homeless and abused kids in Pensacola-area getting more hope and more help

August 19, 2022

The homeless youth in our community can be hard to spot. “You typically don’t see them on the side of the road holding a sign,” said Leah Harrison, Children’s Home Society of Florida senior director of development and advancement. Harrison said many young people without homes will perpetually couch surf, drifting between different residences. Harrison […]

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Children’s Home Society of Florida wants to erase obstacles faced by families | Opinion

August 19, 2022

Sometimes it’s the statistics that drive me, the numbers I can’t seem to shake. For instance, did you know that one out of every seven children struggle with a developmental delay? Yet only 15% of those one in seven receive early intervention services. It’s heartbreaking to think that families in our community may not know […]

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From Mentor to Family | Joyce & Kaitlyn

August 11, 2022

Joyce and Kaitlyn became mentor and mentee about a year ago when they joined the MODEL mentoring program. Now, they consider each other family. The mentoring program connects kids with mentors. During their mentoring relationship, positive adult role models help youth build self-esteem, teach the importance of respecting authority and empower them to achieve educational […]

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Pensacola students are taking charge of their future by taking their peers’ vital signs

August 9, 2022

Barbara Hayes loves seeing the changes in her young health ambassadors. An example was a young girl named Faith, who rarely spoke to anyone but was always listening and attentive. She finally came out of her shell during a family night event at C.A. Weis Elementary School. “We got really busy doing vital signs and Faith all of a […]

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