When the COVID-19 crisis sent children home from school in March, Ellen – like many parents — worried about keeping her four children safe and fed through the extended break. Thanks to the Community Partnership Schools™ model at South Woods Elementary, Ellen had support along the way. The Community Partnership School and our partners with the St. Johns School District bussed healthy, nutritious food directly into Ellen’s rural community – alleviating the cost and transportation barriers to put food on the table and taking a tremendous amount of stress out of the equation.
For Clayvarus, one of four children Ellen cares for, the caring support empowered him to maintain a positive attitude and a steadfast focus on his learning. Even amidst a global pandemic, his grades continued to soar. He was even selected to receive a summer scholarship for Gamble Rogers Middle School’s Marine Science Camp to further his education and passion in the field of marine science.
“It was amazing,” said Ellen. “The supplies and support we received for the kids – we could always call the school for anything we needed.”
South Woods Elementary, A Community Partnership School is a partnership among Children’s Home Society of Florida, St. Johns County School District, Flagler Hospital and St. Johns River State College. Our goals include: higher community involvement, increased academic outcomes for students, safer environments and opportunities for local residentsQuestions? More information? Please contact Christopher Stone, Community Partnership School Director.