Jacquelyn’s grades started slipping in sixth grade. Before long, she was failing core classes and at risk of repeating the grade. Her demeanor changed, too … she disrupted other students, regularly pulling her teacher away from the lesson to address another interruption. And then her teacher noticed Jacquelyn squinting during class …Jacquelyn couldn’t see the whiteboard.
Because she couldn’t see, she couldn’t focus, couldn’t understand the lesson, couldn’t learn.
But with the Community Partnership Schools™ model at Homestead Middle School, Jacquelyn found a path toward hope and academic success. Through the model, Jacquelyn received a free vision exam through a partnership with the Heiken Vision Program of Florida. Jacquelyn, along with dozens of peers, received new glasses – giving them a newfound vision of academic success.
With soaring self-confidence, Jacquelyn is now on track to be an “A” student – and even helps other students with classwork, bringing her full circle to empower others to also realize their full potential.
Homestead Middle School, A Community Partnership School is the hub of our community, a place focused on student success — in school and beyond. Homestead Middle School, A Community Partnership School is a partnership among Children’s Home Society of Florida, Community Health of South Florida, Florida International University and the Miami Dade School District. Questions? Want to get involved? Contact Oscar Munoz, Community Partnership School Director.