Megan struggled with severe anxiety and reluctance to interact with her classmates. She couldn’t focus in school and was a struggling reader, but her teacher, Ms. V was determined to help her succeed. Studies show children with reading difficulties also experience a broad range of social and emotional difficulties, such as low self-esteem, anxiety and depression. With support from the United Way of NEFL, Wilkinson Jr High, A Community Partnership School took an innovative approach to develop and improve literacy skills for students by creating intensive reading classes designed to empower children – like Megan – to become capable and confident readers.

Ms. V led the intensive reading classes and faced the challenge of overcoming students’ fear of reading aloud. Many of these students, including Megan, had experienced teasing and were hesitant to participate in group activities. But Ms. V was an innovative teacher committed to building her students’ confidence – and she had an entire team ready to wrap arms of support around her and her students through the Community Partnership School.

Ms. V took a unique approach to engaging her students in learning through a variety of techniques designed to enhance student participation and interaction. One unique approach was transforming the classroom into an “escape room” based on the lesson. Students were divided into teams, each with a designated leader chosen by Ms. V to ensure equal opportunities for success. Megan quickly emerged as a natural leader among her peers, confidently speaking and answering questions. Her newfound self-assurance astonished Ms. V, who approached the group in disbelief, asking, “Megan? Is that really you?”

Grinning from ear to ear, Megan replied, “I got this, Ms. V! I know this stuff!” Her classmates recognized the significance of her transformation, enjoying Megan’s emergence from her shell as much as their teacher. Megan’s team emerged victorious, with her leading the way. With newfound confidence, Megan is focused and determined. Her grades have improved, her outlook has changed and she encourages other students.

Community partnerships can help shape learning opportunities and support teachers by collaborating to address existing barriers to learning. Together, we can deepen and enrich learning opportunities to empower students to reach for success – in school and in life. Learn more about Wilkinson Jr. High, A Community Partnership School and how to get involved in the Community Partnership Schools movement.