Chris had a big test at school, but he couldn’t focus. He was experiencing extreme pain in his right ear making it impossible to concentrate. Chris’ Instructional Coach at Eccleston Elementary, A Community Partnership School, noticed something was severely wrong. Luckily, Chris attends a Community Partnership School where he has access to free, comprehensive health and wellness services conveniently located on school campus. The Community Partnership School Wellness Coordinator scheduled Chris for an on-campus checkup with Orange Blossom Family Health that same day.

During the checkup, it was discovered that Chris was suffering from a serious ear infection that required immediate treatment. Thanks to the quick thinking of the Eccleston team and the availability of wellness services on campus, Chris was able to receive a referral for surgery and be treated within a matter of days. Just hours after surgery, Chris was in good spirits and feeling much better. He was able to quickly return to school and focus on being a kid again.

Through the Community Partnership Schools model, Chris had access to a caring staff and medical support available right at his school. Learn more about how you can help kids like Chris overcome the barriers that stand in the way of their education.