Seven-year-old Abby* came to CHS after recently being removed from her father and paternal grandmother. They had been living in a U-Haul in the Midwest winter, and Abby experienced physical abuse and exposure to substance misuse by caregivers.
After being placed with her maternal grandmother, Abby began showing signs of post-traumatic stress … Abby’s teacher called home with reports of Abby being rude, yelling, stealing, having anger outbursts, and not getting along well with her peers. Abby was also having nightmares, anxiety about being taken by her father again and presenting other signs of post-traumatic stress.
Telehealth counseling provided Abby healing
Abby began working with a CHS counselor at her school to work through her post-traumatic stress. While the counseling sessions transitioned to 100% telehealth, during the pandemic, Abby’s therapy allowed her to address and process her traumas. Using creativity and role playing, Abby played the role of “teacher” to her “classroom of students” (her stuffed animals), teaching them about trauma and signs of PTSD.
Abby now is working towards discharge from ongoing therapy after successfully completing all the treatment components. Since returning to school for her second grade, Abby has earned “Student of the Week” multiple times, made friends in class and in her afterschool gymnastics program, and is doing very well with her grades.
Abby’s coping skills have helped her manage and more appropriately express her anger, while also promoting her own positivity. She can easily identify her strengths and uses positive affirmations often.
Her grandmother says she is grateful to have her happy child back and that Abby isn’t so angry anymore.
*Client’s name has been changed