Whether spooky or sweet, celebrate Halloween safely with your family this year.

If you’re trick-or-treating, remember to stay safe by staying seen:

  • carry glow sticks or flashlights
  • use reflective tape or stickers on costumes and bags
  • wear light colors to help kids see and be seen by drivers
  • Remind kids to stay in groups and to cross the street at corners or crosswalks.
  • Choose face paint and makeup whenever possible instead of masks, which can obstruct a child’s vision.

If you’re skipping the trick-or-treating this year, try some of these safe and fun alternatives:

  • Host a pumpkin carving or painting contest! Pair each child with a grown-up helper to keep kiddos safe around sharp tools.
  • Take turns doing the Monster Hop! To prepare, cut out monster-shaped footprints from construction paper and lay on the floor in a hopscotch shape. For inspiration, watch this video!
  • Wrap two family member’s bodies in toilet paper (except their eyes!) and have a “Mummy Hop Race”! The first “mummy” to cross the finish line wins.
  • Get creative with materials found in your house and yard to build your own scarecrow.
  • Put on your favorite tunes (Monster Mash, anyone?), dress up in your costume, and have a Halloween dance contest!
  • Get into the spirit with some Halloween-inspired recipes:
  • Do some fun and spooky arts and crafts projects:
  • Have a visit from the Great Pumpkin! Hide candy around your house, courtesy of your Pumpkin visitor, so when the kids wake up they can go on a candy hunt!