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Instilling strength and hope within families

We all face challenging situations, but with CHS, you don’t have to do it alone. If you are working through difficult circumstances due to domestic violence, homelessness, substance abuse and/or other difficult situations or your family has become involved with the foster care system, we can help.

The Family Preservation & Stabilization program offers you and your family support, guidance and partnership through a 16-week program. During this time we partner together to help you work through challenging times and provide you with tools to create strong and healthy relationships.

What can I expect?

  • Your family will have the opportunity to participate in a 16-week program. During your time within this program you will have the chance to learn:
    • How to create safe and strong family foundations
    • How to ensure your relationships are stable and healthy

Who Qualifies?

  • Families with children ages 0-17 years of age

Your family will receive the following during your program time:

  • Home visits
  • Developmental screenings for children
  • Educational opportunities for parents and children

We offer this in the following regions: