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Thanks- Management


Adoptions Archives Program

Children’s Home Society of Florida
P.O. Box 5616
Jacksonville, FL 32247

As of January 1, 2022, CHS has discontinued its search and reunion services, but we have a few places we recommend to continue your search, such as the Florida Adoption Registry, Commercial DNA Services such as, or contacting the local court where your adoption was finalized.

Continuing Your Search


Birth families and adoptive families that have previously shared updates may continue coordinating the exchanges through the form below.

Please keep us updated with any changes to your contact info so we can continue to facilitate updates.

Florida Statutes Chapter 65C-16.016 and Chapter 63.162 do not allow public access to adoption records. The Adoption Archives Unit at Children’s Home Society of Florida preserves records of clients so adoptees, birth parents and adoptive parents can obtain background information and receive services for search and reunion in accordance with the statute.

Non-identifying information request

Please complete the form below. Please allow 6-8 weeks for return of information.
An example of non-ID info can be found here.

Step 1 of 7

I am an...

Current name:
MM slash DD slash YYYY