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Grad Spotlight: Tim Only

June 7, 2020

“I have always lived by the saying ‘stars cannot shine without darkness.’ The people I have met at CHS helped me turn on my light so I was able to shine through the darkness to get through those tough patches in life.” Tim Only, a rising senior at Florida State University, says he will always […]

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Grad Spotlight: Congratulations, Decorey!

June 5, 2020

Decorey — a 2020 graduate from Evans High School, A Community Partnership School — is the first member of his family to receive a high school diploma and accept admission into college! Throughout his high school education, Decorey and his family found support through the Community Partnership Schools model at Evans — affectionately called “The […]

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Feature Foster Family: The Lowe Family

May 20, 2020

Some years ago, Christy and Danny Lowe provided a loving home to non-relative children. They watched those children grow, flourish, become adults, enter the workforce, buy homes and even start families of their own. Inspired by seeing their kids succeed, the Lowes decided to become foster parents with the Children’s Home Society of Florida in […]

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Featured Foster Parent: Tracy Garmon

May 11, 2020

“In foster care, we often hear ‘Be the village’. No one embodies this more than Tracy Garmon” – Casey Hendershot, LMHC, CHS Licensed Clinical Program Supervisor Tracy Garmon became a foster parent in 2015. She has provided a loving home to so many children in Northeast Florida she says she has lost count … but […]

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Featured Foster Family: The Jenkins

April 28, 2020

There’s Always Room at the Jenkins’ Table Starla and Mike Jenkins became foster parents in North Carolina. When a new opportunity brought them to Florida, they knew they wanted to continue welcoming children into their hearts and home in Central Florida. The Jenkins did not waste any time. In the midst of moving across state […]

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Coronavirus changes: Heroes protect children in a time of instability

April 24, 2020

In the midst of so much uncertainty, so much fear, I see so much good. There is good in the essential work that must continue. Not a minute passes without the heart of our communities rapidly beating to serve others. Our first responders, health care workers, gas station attendants, grocery store clerks, maintenance professionals, janitorial […]

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7 ways to support families during the COVID-19 crisis

April 15, 2020

At CHS, one of our core values is balance – something all families are struggling to find in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. As social distancing drives families into their homes, our communities can still come together. Here are some ways you can support your friends, families, neighbors and loved ones during these unprecedented […]

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Help needed more than ever for Central Florida children in foster care

April 10, 2020

As this pandemic pushes on, so do the jobs of those who care for and oversee the many Central Florida kids in foster care. These everyday heroes simply ask that their commitment reminds people how important it is for these children. Placing children in the safe loving homes is what this is all about. Team […]

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Doing GOOD from home: How to prevent eye strain online!

April 8, 2020

Computer use is a common cause of eye strain… especially when routines receive a “switch up” as in recent weeks. Therefore, if you work at a desk and use a computer, follow the self-care steps below to help you prevent strain on your eyes! Blink often to refresh your eyes. Many people blink less than usual […]

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7 ways to support foster families during COVID-19

March 30, 2020

Children in foster care rely on loving foster parents to provide stability and comfort – two things COVID-19 is threatening in families across the globe. As parents everywhere struggle to balance home, work, homeschool, self-care and more, foster parents face added stressors with often limited support systems – but you can change that. Here’s a […]

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