Caroline, a single mother of one, struggled to keep a job to support her family. Deep in financial stress, she felt helpless. An immense lack of support left her isolated, anxious and disconnected from her son.
Caroline longed to find stability in a job, build her self-esteem and be able to provide for her son, Elijah. She could finally see hope when she met her Family Support Specialist, Joy, through the CHS Healthy Families Navigator Program.
Together they knew with the right support, she could grow and build a strong foundation for her son. After an initial hesitancy to trust Joy and the process, Caroline came around and realized that Joy was there to partner with her to navigate through the highs and lows..
“The time I spend with Caroline is so pleasant and illuminating. She is always working to learn ways to improve herself and develop strengths to become the best mother she can be,” Joy shares.
Caroline began counseling and even joined a CHS parent support group. Here, she learned how to cope with her anxiety, find social confidence, build a safe and strong foundation for her family and create a loving bond with Elijah.
Now, Caroline is flourishing, growing every day in her self-confidence and stability. She reconnected with her church and its members, continues to attend counseling and still participates in CHS’ Community Parenting Group. Where she once felt alone and isolated, Caroline now has the support of those around her, building the community she longed for.
Initially, Caroline simply wanted a stable job to support her son. Fortunately, she landed something even better – Caroline is working in she calls her “dream job” and is able to provide financially for herself and Elijah.
With a renewed sense of confidence and the support of those around her, Caroline knows how to navigate life’s ups and downs.
Learn more about our Family Support Specialists and CHS’ Healthy Families program here.